Korean Art and Antiques

Mother and Child by Korea's Most Famous Sculptor, Choi Jongtae

Mother and Child by Korea's Most Famous Sculptor, Choi Jongtae

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Directory: Artists: Sculpture: Contemporary: Item # 1480393

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Korean Art and Antiques
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400 West 43rd Street
New York, NY 10036

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Mother and Child by Korea's Most Famous Sculptor, Choi Jongtae (born 1932). There was a recent New York Times article (March 2, 2023) on Choi Jongtae where he is called an "artistic giant who has been a huge influence on many artists" and his work is described as "focusing on the human condition," "bending the rules," "carrying a whiff of Picasso," and "embodying love and peace." Preeminent art critic Gaston Diehl describes Choi as "the equal of the greats of our time" and says of him that though he possesses "extreme technical virtuosity" he "avoids superficial excesses to delve into the deepest self." Resin, 14 inches, 35.5 cm.